Welcome to Western Kendo Federation (WKF)

<h1>Welcome to Western Kendo Federation (WKF)</h1>


<h3><strong>Dreaming with WKF </strong>-&nbsp; A Federation where our young students can dream</h3>

<h3><strong>Becoming a lead Federation</strong> - Being a model Federation</h3>

<h3><strong>Sharing appreciation and thanks</strong> - Learning with appreciation,&nbsp; &nbsp;Teaching with appreciation</h3>


<p><strong>꿈이 있는 WKF</strong> - 젊은 영재가 꿈을 키울수 있는 협회</p>

<p><strong>리더가 되는 WKF</strong> - 모범적으로 앞서가는 협회</p>

<p><strong>감사하는 WKF</strong> - 배우며 감사하고, 가르치며 감사하는 협회</p>


© 2024 - Western Kendo Federation / 서부 검도 연맹